Wednesday, April 2, 2008


As I was walking up the back steps  I heard a familiar sound - multiple bees buzzing on the peach tree that's budding out.  Earlier, I  had to decide if I should dig up some dandelions by the front walk or let the bees have the flowers first.  And walking in the front grass I had to make sure I didn't step on any bees.  Such decisions haven't been on my mind for months but it feels like longer.  
Already there is a lot to do in the yard, even with the possibility of killing frosts ahead.  April is the 2nd snowiest month in Colorado.  I hope it all stays in the mountains and we just get rain down here.
And the kalamata olive cistern is working nicely, thank you.  The last light snow melt filled it up and we drained it off with a hose to the far corner of the yard.